Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quick update for tonight.  Meg had an appointment today with a second doctor to check if a condition called vasa previa was present.  It's a condition where blood vessels from the placenta cross the cervix and can cause serious complications.  If it had been present it would have meant that Megan would have had to start modified bedrest including no more working.  Fortunately, it is not present and all appears normal. 

At the same appointment they did find that our baby girl has a 2 blood vessel umbilical cord instead of the normal three.  There are several things that this could mean, but it is just as likely that it will mean nothing.  One of the most common issues it could be is a reduction in the babies development, but at this point all is normal and our girl is growing at the same rate as our boy.  Both babies weigh 1 pound as of today. 

While this news is concerning, we are putting our focus on prayer and trusting God.  There is nothing either of us can do to change the situation, but our babies life began and will continue to rest in the hands of an awesome, sovereign God.  I know even now he has a perfect plan for her and has designed every detail of her tiny body.  We are offering our own worry and also the life of our little girl at the feet of God that He may carry us all through this.  We would ask that all of our family and friends join us in prayer.

Perhaps God has found that my faith is just needing some more exercise.

In more lighthearted news, we received a bunch of new ultrasound pictures and some of them are actually good this time.  I will work on getting those scanned and uploaded to share in the coming days.  Also on the exciting front it appears that our room remodel is nearly complete so that painting and other preparations can begin. 

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, You have grown into quite a man, and I can not express how proud I am of the faith and trust you acknowledge in our great God! Love you, Mom
