Saturday, January 9, 2010


I never would have guessed that picking names would be so difficult.  We had our boys name picked out before we were even engaged, so how hard could a girl's name be?  We have looked through three websites of girls name, mulled over own ideas, and have finally purchased a book of names.  I am really considering having a list of names and picking a name after the birth of our daughter that fits her.  As for the boy, he is just going to have to fit the name Benjamin Thomas. 

I think a name is an important thing.  They have meaning and depth.  Benjamin means "son of my right hand" and biblically means "mighty".  Thomas is in honor of family on both sides.  My great-grandmother's last name is Thomas and Megan's grandfather's name was Thomas. 

Benjamin Thomas sounds promising too.  Scott thinks it sounds presidential.  Hopefully we can attain such heights with our girl's name. 

- side note.  Ideas for our girls name are welcomed, but I can't promise they will be even considered.  :) 

Dad likes Rachel and has promised to buy our girl a car if she is named Rachel.  Competing bribes are also welcomed.


  1. Pretty sure I've thrown my two cents in before (I think Olivia Teague sounds pretty), but how about making a list of women you both admire, then deciding if you could see your daughter being called that name? I can throw in some other names too: Eden, Lani, Mia, Allison, Ellie, Janessa, Molly...just a few I thought of. I'd stick with two or more syllables.

  2. Andy, tell Ernie I'll see him the car and raise him a HOUSE if you name her Debbie!Grandma wanna be

  3. Andy: Yeah, the house debbie is trying to bribe you with is in fact a BARBIE house. Pay no attention to that woman! :)

    How about a middle name????
